May 3, 2024
Friday nights at the Walkabout this winter & spring - Luck of the Draw Dart Tournaments starting at 7:30pm. See the Walkabout Dart Facebook group for the latest on this week's format!
The actual structure changes most weeks in the fall just to make it fun! Sign up 7pm, start 7:30pm. It'll be a Luck of the Draw that's either cricket or 01 or both. $10 bucks per player with payout 200% every week. They also have a rolling Trips pot, too!
Here are the dates and events as follows-
19th Trip’s Open LOD stacked O1
26th Singles handicap cricket
2nd A/B Doubles LOD Chicago style
9th A/B Double LOD
16th Singles handicap cricket
23rd Trip’s Open LOD stacked O1
1st A/B Doubles LOD Chicago style
8th A/B Doubles LOD
15th Trip’s Open LOD stacked O1
22nd Singles handicap cricket
29th Special Event more details will follow.
5th A/B Doubles LOD Chicago style
12th A/B Doubles LOD
19th Singles handicap cricket
26th Trip’s Open LOD stacked O1
3rd A/B Doubles
10th THE "Finals” Top 32 in points will shoot an open doubles LOD with a Calcutta prior to the event!
Calcutta starts at 6PM Sharp.