Friday, March 28
Join us at the Radisson on Friday for our Luck of the Draw Warm Up Tournament. The doors will open at 6pm for sign up, play starts at 7pm, and it’s $10 per player with 100% payout. Dart boards will be set to Free Play, so no quarters will be needed. This event is open to the public; no pre-registration is required. Limited to the first 128 players.
Saturday, March 29
Teams must pre-register for the Team ‘01 Round Robin being held at the Fond du Lac Radisson. This event is divisionalized based on your current league stats.
On the morning of the tournament, the doors open at 9am with play starting at 10am. All teams must have at least 4 players by 10am. You can choose to play with 4 players or rotate with 5 or 6 throughout the day. If only 3 of your players are there by 10am, you can sign a waiver to play with only 3 all day. If you start with 3, you play with 3 all day. If you start with 4 and lose a player, you will forfeit. Please make sure you add extra subs to your roster if you think this is a possibility! There are no player changes, additions, or substitutions after March 7th.
This tournament welcomes players from the following Midstate Amusements leagues:
Fond du Lac Sunday-Friday, Sheboygan Tuesday-Thursday, Campbellsport Sunday, Random Lake Sunday/Thursday, Kewaskum & West Bend Sunday, Kewaskum Winter Sunday, Howards Grove/Plymouth/Kiel Sunday, Ripon Sunday, Eden Monday, Jackson Monday, Mayville Tuesday, Waubeka Tuesday, Oakfield Tuesday, Waupun Wednesday, Kewaskum Wednesday Markesan Thursday, Campbellsport Friday, Remote Doubles Sunday-Friday, and Remote Team on Wednesday & Thursday. Teams can be formed with players from any of these leagues/divisions - not just players from your current teams.
All participants must have played at least 36 games, in any combination of ’01 and cricket, in an eligible league as listed above between September 1st, 2024 and March 1st, 2025 in order to qualify for this tournament. There is a team skill level cap of 126 points per dart, meaning the current ppd of your top 4 players cannot exceed 126 based on current stats when you sign up.
There is a maximum of 180 teams (this is a change from 152 teams listed earlier) this year due to capacity limitations. THE DEADLINE IS NOW MARCH 1st DUE TO THE INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF BOARDS/TEAMS. Send in your form soon as we will fill up before the deadline! After the deadline has passed, teams will be placed into appropriate divisions based on players’ current skill level.
Rooms are available at the Radisson for $109 per night plus tax, breakfast included, at the Dart Tournament group rate. The Comfort Inn and Holiday Express are both in easy walking distance from the Radisson, located on the other sides of their parking lot.
Entry Fee - $80 ($70 + $10 Registration Fee) non-refundable
Tourney & Games Fee - $40 Dart boards will be set to Free Play
Total amount due with entry form - $120
We do have ONLINE signups! That costs $125 ($120 entry plus $5 convenience fee to cover the extra processing costs); you can sign up online just like you would sign your team up for league online. Do not leave this form at your sponsor bar unless the bar owner specifically asks you to do so. Please follow up with the bar to see if we have received the entry; you are responsible to make sure we get the form by the deadline. We will NOT be billing any sponsors, in whole or in part, for any entry fees. If the bar wishes to hand in their entries all at once and write one check, please check with your sponsor before turning in your entry form, and have them turn in their forms as early as possible. Any entry forms received without being paid will not be counted until the fee is paid in full. If you need a receipt to be reimbursed by a sponsor, we will gladly provide one.
Click the link below to download and print the entry form (AVAILABLE AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 2025).
Not sure if your league is included? Here's the eligible league codes for 2025:
Sunday: CamSun, FSun1, FSun2, FSun3, FSun4, HGPSun, KEWSun, KWBSun, RLSun1, RLSun2, RPNSun, RSLemn, RSLime, RSPlum, RSWine, RSAmber, RSTeal, RWSun.
Monday: EdnMon, FMonW, JKSMon, RMBlue, RMGren, RMMoNH, RMPink, RMRed, RMYelo.
Tuesday: FTues, MAYTue, OAKTue, RWTues, ShTueC, ShTue2, ShTue3, ShTue4, WBATue, RWTue.
Wednesday: RemWed, FWed2, FWed3, FWed4, ShWed2, ShWed3, ShWed4, KEWWed, RWWed, WPNWed.
Thursday: MRKThr, RThurT, RRGold, RRJade, RROnyx, RROpal, RRRuby, ShThr1, ShThr2.
Friday: CAMFri, FFBlue, FFYelo, FFRed, FFGren, FFOrng, RFriAM, RFGray, RFMint, RFNavy, RFRose.